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What Is A Verification?

As part of a background check, various searches are often ordered called Verifications.

Typically these verifications are conducted in the areas of:

  • Education

  • Past Employment

  • Professional Licenses

Education Verification

Statistics reveal that education is on of the things that applicants falsify most often on employment applications. Verification can be conducted for high school, college degrees, or specialty education.

Typically the applicant’s dates of attendance, graduation date and degree earned are reported. Some educational institutions will report GPA (grade point average).

Employment Verification

It is important to verify the past employment of all job applicants. It is estimated that as high as 40% of all resumes and employment application contain falsified information.

The in-house Reference and Verification Department at Prudent Protection Service, Inc. Offers verification of the employer’s name, applicant’s title and dates of employment. If the company will answer additional questions, we ask the following questions and request a rating from 1-10:

  • How was the employee’s attendance?
  • Is the employee eligible for hire?
  • Do they work well with others?
  • How are the employees work habits?
  • How are the employees written and verbal communication skills?
  • Was there any disciplinary action taken against the employee?
  • How was the employees’ overall performance?
  • Do you know the reason the employee is no longer employed by the company?
  • Do you have any other comments?

Professional License Verification

Prudent Protection Service, Inc. Reference and Verification Departments conducts

professional license and certification verifications. Our reports reveal the validity of

applicant’s professional licenses, date of issue, renewal and expiration dates, current

status and any disciplinary action.

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